The New Change Equation | Weatherhead School at Case Western Reserve University
Executive Education Programs The New Change Equation

Learning Objectives

Whether you’re discovering Appreciative Inquiry (AI) for the first time or you’re an experienced practitioner of this powerful methodology, this new change management program by David Cooperrider will define and implement a new model for change while harnessing three types of power:


Connecting and magnifying the strengths and resources across, inside, and outside an entire system to support our efforts.


Finding ways to initiate and maintain your motivation, even in the face of obstacles, to achieve the desired change.


Developing specific strategies to reach your goals and make the change a reality.

Together, wholepower, willpower, and waypower counteract the deficit of despair, empowering you and your organization for dramatic and positive change.

The New Change Equation diagram

As a result of this program, participants will:

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