Learning Objectives
Whether you’re discovering Appreciative Inquiry (AI) for the first time or you’re an experienced practitioner of this powerful methodology, this new change management program by David Cooperrider will define and implement a new model for change while harnessing three types of power:
Connecting and magnifying the strengths and resources across, inside, and outside an entire system to support our efforts.Willpower
Finding ways to initiate and maintain your motivation, even in the face of obstacles, to achieve the desired change.Waypower
Developing specific strategies to reach your goals and make the change a reality.Together, wholepower, willpower, and waypower counteract the deficit of despair, empowering you and your organization for dramatic and positive change.

As a result of this program, participants will:
- Harness the ability to bring out the best in human systems–rapidly and naturally–to be able to rally people in change-resistant institutions to realize new and better futures.
- Realize that your ability and skill to mobilize change in your organization is decisive and is core to individual, managerial and organizational success.
- Debunk a common explanation for change failure–that people resist change.
- Learn to cultivate the appreciative mindset and apply the ten most powerful change management tools we've been able to codify across more than 3,000 interviews with industry leading stars from 57 different countries.
- Develop a coherent P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E change platform and roadmap to excel.