Emotional Intelligence – the Weatherhead Way
Emotional Intelligence Distinguishes Outstanding Leaders
Great leaders move us by tapping into a basic human characteristic – our emotions. Research has shown that exceptional leaders, executives and managers are not just smart and lucky, but more frequently rely on their Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand, motivate and develop ourselves and others. More importantly, EI competencies can be taught and learned.
The quality of effective leadership is built on daily demonstrated Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Social Intelligence (SI) models. We call these behaviors EI and SI competencies. Weatherhead Executive Education's Emotional Intelligence (EI) programs teach the concept of EI, its component competencies and how to use EI to stimulate outstanding performance. Our programs also offer techniques for developing EI competencies in others.
An Online Program – Emotional Intelligence – the Weatherhead Way
Delivered completely online, this self-paced program presents an outline of the twelve competencies that comprise the EI and SI model. Building these critical emotional and social competencies serves as the essential core for outstanding leadership. They also act as potential inhibitors of executive derailment.

This high-impact learning experience features a combination of conceptual and skill-based modules with reflective exercises to support and encourage learning, and to sustain behavior change. It is based on the Emotional and Social Intelligence Leadership Competency Model, developed by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis, Professor of Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University.
What does Emotional Intelligence mean to you?Multiple published longitudinal studies reflecting 25 years of improving EI and SI competencies have shown that our executive courses result in 60-70% improvement of EI and SI behavior in the one to two years following the courses. These behaviors sustain at a 50% improvement, even 5-7 years later.