Mentoring | Weatherhead School at Case Western Reserve University
executive educationprogramsexecutive leadership development experience


In addition to Executive Coaching, which will provide you with a pathway of discovery toward defining and realizing your aspirations and goals, ELDE will match you with a mentor in the Northeast Ohio Community.

Mentoring, unlike coaching, is influence driven. Mentors are in a position to be a sounding board. They have the experience to provide you with helpful advice and can exponentially expand your network and raise your visibility.

Who are the ELDE Mentors

A man, standing along the railing of a stairway

ELDE Mentors are volunteers who want to see you succeed while contributing to the diversity of leaders throughout the Northeast Ohio region. They care deeply about the Cleveland community and have volunteered to help. They are typically in high level leadership positions within organizations and have the experience and background you can leverage to help you succeed.

ELDE mentors are carefully screened based on the request you submit. We ensure that they have no hidden agenda and that their express purpose in participating in the program is your success. They cannot refer you to businesses in which they have a financial interest nor can they charge you for their time. Furthermore, they have agreed to abide by our confidentiality rules and will never divulge information that you share with them during your time together. Mentors and Mentees are matched based upon experience, industry, common interest, and personality, to name a few.