How does the Weatherhead Digital Badge Program Work? | Weatherhead School at Case Western Reserve University
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How does the Weatherhead Digital Badge Program Work?

Anyone can earn a badge. Complete a Weatherhead Certificate and claim yours.

Step 1: Complete the requirements of Weatherhead Certificate.
  • Each Weatherhead Certificate has its own requirements. We issue certificates twice a year – in January and July.
Step 2: Claim your Weatherhead Badge.
  • In January and July when we issue certificates, you'll get an email notification from Credly letting you know you are eligible for a Weatherhead digital badge with steps on how to claim it. If your organization has a custom-designed certificate just for you and you think you have completed all the requirements, contact your learning and development manager. You'll get an email notification telling you where and how you can claim your custom badge. There are exceptions. Typically we give you 18 months to complete a Weatherhead Certificate. If you completed your certificate outside the 18-month period, contact and let us know. We will verify it on our end and send you instructions on how to claim your well-deserved badge.

  • Once you have earned a badge, you can create a profile page on the Credly website to keep track of your badges. You'll also be able to see what else is available from Weatherhead. Think stackable badges!

    How to Accept and Manage your Badge

Step 3: Share your accomplishment.
  • Share your badge on social media – LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Or share it via email, embedded in a website or place your badge directly on your digital resume or e-portfolio. Clicking on your badge will show all the details of your achievement on the Credly web site.

    How do I share my digital badge?

  • Be sure to use the hashtag #weatherheadverified when you share your Weatherhead Executive Education badge.

Step 4: Plan what's next.

If you have questions about our programs and certificates, speak with a Weatherhead learning advisor at 216.368.6413 or email