Meg Seelbach
Meg Seelbach is a Weatherhead Affiliate Instructor who brings nearly 20 years of experience as a consultant, trainer, and coach specializing in emotional intelligence, leadership, communication, and team effectiveness.
Since the beginning of 2005, Meg has been a coach for the Academic Careers in Engineering and Science (ACES) program at Case Western Reserve University. The ACES program is designed to provide academic and career guidance, as well as leadership development coaching for women faculty in the sciences along with Chairmen of the eligible departments and the Deans of related schools. Meg is also proud to be a Master Coach for the Coaching a Culture of Leadership course created by Richard Boyatzis, PhD, delivered by the Weatherhead School of Management for corporate leaders.
Seelbach has trained over one thousand upper level managers, supervisors, and sales professionals in communication skills. She also works with teams interested in developing a higher level of effectiveness. Her individual coaching often focuses on helping great managers become inspirational leaders. She maintains an ongoing practice of coaching clients who are successful executives and leaders committed to continuously transforming their work and personal lives. Her training in Emotional Intelligence is the backdrop for the coaching and training projects in which Meg participates. Her clients come from a variety of settings including; corporations, educational institutions, social service organizations and individuals in professional roles.
In 2003, Meg created a training program for those in a leadership role. The course focuses on emotional intelligence, and coaching skills for improved effectiveness and inspirational leadership.
Seelbach is a certified trainer for Kahler Communications, Inc., offering training in Quality Relations™ and for Wilson Learning, offering training in Social Styles™. Both courses are style based communication programs. She is also certified by The Hay Group in the Emotional Competency Inventory™, a 360° instrument measuring an individual’s emotional intelligence.
Seelbach was a contributor to the Leadership Coaching Report®, developed with her colleagues at Watterson, Aldridge and Associates. The report uses the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire® to drive a report that identifies personal gifts and limits and compares the participant’s behavioral style to those of a successful leader.
Seelbach holds a BS in Psychology from Denison University and an MA in Human Services at John Carroll University. She is a member of the International Coaching Federation, the International Association of Coaches, and was Vice President of the Cleveland Coach Federation.