Marilee Adams, PhD
Marilee Adams, PhD, is an award-winning author and pioneer in the fields of inquiry-based coaching, leadership and organizational culture. She is also the originator of the Question Thinking™ methodologies. She is CEO and founder of the Inquiry Institute, a consultant for organizations large and small, an affiliate instructor for Weatherhead Executive Education at Case Western Reserve University and for 10 years was an adjunct professor in the School of Public Affairs at American University in the Key Executive Leadership Program.
Adams is the best-selling author of Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Life, as well as The Art of the Question and Teaching that Changes Lives. Her book about coaching and leadership, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life, is an international bestseller, having sold over 400,000 copies in 24 languages. This book is a standard part of the curriculum in many coach training and leadership development programs. It is also widely used for team and organizational change. Her book chapters include “With Our Questions We Make the World,” which she co-authored with David Cooperrider, PhD, and Marge Schiller, PhD. It is included in Advances in Appreciative Inquiry—Constructive Discourse and Human Organization.