Jon Berghoff
Jon serves as co-founder and Managing Partner of the Flourishing Leadership Institute (FLI). The team at FLI has designed and facilitated whole-system change efforts, through large group collaborative summits for organizations that include Fathom, Boing Corporation, Vitamix Corporation, Fortec Medical, Fairmount Minerals, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Polygon Fairmount Minerals, McKinsey, Verizon, Cleveland Clinic, United Religious Initiative, the U.S. Navy.
Jon previously served as the head of sales for the direct sales team at Vitamix Corporation, where revenues grew by 400% in less than 4 years, as their team grew from 175 to over 600 members. His work on Appreciative Leadership, Emotionally Intelligent Negotiating and Influence has brought him to Australia, Japan, UK, and South America. Jon is in high demand, known for his authenticity and highly engaging style of creating powerful learning experiences for participants.
Jon grew up in Cupertino, CA, seeing first hand the pioneering spirit of a region that was lifted by great purpose. After living in the D.C. area for 8 years, Jon, his wife have settled in Northeast OH, which they believe unquestionably the best place to raise their three young children. Jon also serves on the Board for the Front Row Foundation, a wish organization that helps individuals who are braving a critical health challenge to experience the event of their dreams (concert, sporting event, theater, etc.)... from the Front Row.