Diana Bilimoria, PhD
Diana Bilimoria, Ph.D. is KeyBank Professor and Chair and Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. She received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Michigan. She has authored several books, including Women in STEM Careers: International Perspectives on Increasing Workforce Participation, Advancement and Leadership, and Gender Equity in Science and Engineering: Advancing Change in Higher Education. She is an elected member of the Board of Governors of the Academy of Management, and has served as the Chair of its Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division. She has published extensively in leading journals and edited volumes, and has received multiple national research grants. She has served as the editor of the Journal of Management Education. She sits on the editorial boards of several journals in the business and management field, and she serves on the advisory boards of several institutional transformation projects at leading institutions of higher education.
Dr. Bilimoria's research focuses on gender and diversity in governance and leadership, and organizational transformation. Her studies have helped corporate, educational, and nonprofit organizations reinvent themselves and establish practices that attract and retain a high-performance, diverse workforce. Topics she studies include: How do individuals achieve their fullest potential as leaders and contributors in organizations? What facilitates women and minority group members becoming full participants in organizations, top management teams, and boardrooms? How can workplaces tap into all the capabilities of diverse and inclusive leadership?
Dr. Bilimoria is an expert in how leadership development can transform individuals, groups, and organizations. Her teaching and executive education activities focus on executive leadership and gender, diversity and inclusion in organizations. She has served as an organizational consultant and management educator for private, public, and nonprofit organizations, and as an advisor and coach for executives and managers, focusing on the areas of leadership development, diversity and inclusion in organizations, and organizational transformation.
Dr. Bilimoria has been internationally recognized for her scholarship, teaching, leadership, and service. Recent awards she has received include the Academy of Management Learning & Education Best Paper Award, the Scholarly Contributions to Educational Practice Advancing Women in Leadership Award, the Weatherhead School of Management Enduring Research Impact Award, the Janet Chusmir Distinguished Service Award from the Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division of the Academy of Management, the Weatherhead School of Management Teaching Excellence Award, the Excellence in Higher Education Leadership Award from the ACE Ohio Women's Network, the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women's Spotlight Series Prize for Women's Scholarship at Case Western Reserve University, and the Weatherhead School of Management's Doctoral Teaching Excellence Award.