A. Gus Kious, MD
A. Gus Kious was appointed to his position with SPI on October 31, 2011. Prior to taking this leadership role with SPI, Kious was the president of Huron Hospital, part of the Cleveland Clinic Health System.
Kious began as senior vice president of medical management for the four hospitals comprising Meridia in 1996. Meridia joined the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and became the Eastern Region in 1997. In this capacity he had responsibility for case management, quality management, accreditation, laboratory services, pharmacy services, cardiopulmonary services, behavioral medicine services and chronic disease services for all four hospitals. After a six-month temporary stint at Ashtabula County Medical Center as its acting CEO, Kious accepted the position at Huron Hospital in August 2004. Kious has led successful efforts to dramatically reduce ambulance diversion and improve whole house efficiency so that Huron could be more relevant and available to the communities in which it serves.
Kious’s areas of strength are medical operations, strategic planning and execution, high-performance teams, change management, education and outcomes management.
Kious is the recipient of the following recent awards:
- Becker’s List of Most Influential Physician Executives (2010)
- LifeBanc Medal of Honor for Organ Donation (2008 and 2010)
- Ohio Hospital Association John Chapman Award for Environmental Leader (2008)
- Call & Post Award for Most Influential in Northeast Ohio’s African American Community (2008)
- MOTTEP's Arthur E. Burns, MD, Urban Wellness Award for Extraordinary
Contribution of Urban Healthcare Professionals (2008) - ACPME-MGMA Physician Executive of the Year (2007)
- Smart Business Magazine's Medical Mutual Pillar Award for Community Service (2007)
Kious has been married to Janet Kious of South Africa for the last 40 years; they have four adult children: Christopher, Lisa, David, and Julia, and four grandchildren. All live in the Cleveland area. Kious enjoys gardening, stone work, landscaping, reading and learning.